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KámaSútra Seductions (64 karet)

KámaSútra Seductions (64 karet)
Sephera Giron
Rok vydání:2007
Vydavatelství:Quiver (October 1, 2007)
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Manželství, vztahy, sexualita
Podobné knihy:Serpieri (54 hracích karet)
Tarot of Casanova (78 karet) tarot Casanova

Sleva 5% - z ceny 699,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 664,00 Kč s 10% DPH

Doskladnění trvá ca 20 dnů.
(svou koupí těchto karet zákazník potvrzuje, že je starší 18 let)
! Erotický tarot ! - POUZE PRO ZÁKAZNÍKA staršího 18 let
Sephera is also the horoscope columnist for a major online dating website and has been reading tarot for many years. She lives in Port Credit, Ontario.
is a lifestyle journalist, professional energy worker, and the author of nine books. She spent two years studying and researching the Kama Sutra for her own fulfillment and has become a self-educated expert on the subject. She holds certificates in Reiki, Touch for Health, and Tarot/Metaphysical Counceling.
Sephera Giron
Perfect for anyone looking to add some fiery flavor to the bedroom, The Kama Sutra Seductions Deck is your essential guide to prolonged ecstasy!
On the back of each card, detailed instructions explain just how to maneuver into each position.
On the front of each card, you"ll find an illustrative photograph of a particular Kama Sutra pose—from the sultry Splitting of the Bamboo to the adventurous Tripod.
Featuring 64 cards, each containing an erotic pose from the sacred art of Kama Sutra, this take-anywhere deck is sure to bring you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams!
The Kama Sutra Seductions Deck is the answer to your pleas for passion.
Do you and your lover feel stuck in the same old sex routine, but aren"t sure how to escape it?
Exploring Love, Sexual Pleasure, and Mutual Gratification

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