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Power of Flowers Cards Deck (kniha a 32 karet) an Archetypal Journey through Nature

Power of Flowers Cards Deck (kniha a 32 karet) an Archetypal Journey through Nature

Isha Lerner, Karen Forkish (art)
Vydavatelství:U.S. Games Systems Inc.
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny

Sleva 7% - z ceny 1 593,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 1 481,00 Kč s 21% DPH

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This beautifully illustrated 32-card deck interweaves the images of flowers with universal archetypes from folklore, mythology, astrology and tarot.

Power of Flowers takes the reader on a magical journey through the gates of the sacred garden and into the soul of nature with Mother Nature herself as the guide. Rich in beauty and symbolism, the flowers on these cards reveal their oracular insights.

For each card in the Power of Flowers deck, the booklet by Isha Lerner describes a botanical description, entitled “Plant Signature”; a “Flower Essence” explaining the healing qualities; an Archetype, a Healing and a Blessing.

“We may each become more fully realized individuals, as we realign ourselves by listening with our hearts to the teaching of flowers.”

This 32-card deck was designed by Isha Lerner, co-creator of the Inner Child Tarot Deck. This deck is designed to be used in several different ways. It can be used as a divination system. It can be used in conjunction with flower essences. And it can be used for meditation. The cards measure 3 1/2" X 5". Each card has a scene that is framed by an archway. The card s flower is depicted in the archway, with people, or creatures, or angels, or gods, or goddesses. The card name is in a leaf shaped frame in the bottom of the card. The art is good and the scenes are detailed. The overall effect of the archway, and background is quite beautiful. It feels as though you are looking through a doorway into the scene.

The booklet that comes with the deck is quite detailed. Lerner begins with an introduction that describes how she came to create this deck and her thoughts on flowers and their relationship to humanity. I recommend this deck for those who are interested in flowers and/or flower essences and their uses in meditation and healing.

Size 32 cards 3.5” x 5”

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