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Celtic Lenormand Deck (45 karet a kniha)

Celtic Lenormand Deck (45 karet a kniha)
Chloë McCracken, Will Worthington (art)
Vydavatelství:U.S. Games Systems Inc.
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Magie, šamanismus, kabala

Sleva 11% - z ceny 1 698,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 1 511,00 Kč s 10% DPH

Další obrázky

This 45-card deck, with colorful artwork by Will Worthington, provides additional tree, animal and people cards for nuanced readings. Three different bird cards represent the triple goddess. In-depth descriptions for each card include keywords, divinatory meanings, suggestions for spell use, timing, spiritual messages, dark and light aspects, and affirmations.

The 188-page illustrated guidebook also presents interpretations based on the phases of the moon and the Wheel of the Year. It includes card spreads and instructions for several different methods of reading with the Celtic Lenormand deck.

Size: 8.9 x 3.6 x 12.7 cm

The Celtic Lenormand is an interesting take on Lenormand created by Chloë McCracken and Will Worthington. It expands, stretches and allows for a customized reading with the extra cards that have been added.

In your kit you will get 45 cards and a guidebook in a sturdy box. The card size is perfect for Lenormand style decks and the finish on the cards allows for smooth shuffling. The guidebook explains what makes this is a pagan-themed deck.

The guidebook for The Celtic Lenormand far exceeds the “little white book” that we usually find with decks. For example each card-even the extra cards have extensive keywords, timing, person, playing card association, description, meanings, spiritual readings, dark and light, spell use, affirmation and deity.

There are 13 illustrated layouts in the guidebook and a small section on combining cards.

I recommend this deck to anyone who has an interest in Lenormand decks and especially to those who walk the pagan path. With the added cards you can customize your readings to fit almost any relationship dynamic. If you want a more traditional reading you can remove the extra cards. I am impressed with this deck, the guidebook and the extensive information provided.

—Mary Nale, Attune Magazine

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