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Wild Kuan Yin Oracle (44 karet a kniha)

Wild Kuan Yin Oracle (44 karet a kniha)

Alana Fairchild, Wang Yiguang (art)
Rok vydání:2016
Vydavatelství:Blue Angel
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Magie, šamanismus, kabala
Podobné knihy:Kuan Yin Oracle (44 karet a kniha) Blessings, Guidance & Enlightenment from the Divine Feminine
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Wild Kuan Yin Oracle (44 karet a kniha)

Sleva 7% - z ceny 1 590,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 1 479,00 Kč s 10% DPH

Další obrázky

Soul Guidance from the Wild Divine for Free Spirits, Passionate Hearts and Dreamers of Impossible Dreams

Within you beats a wild and compassionate heart, alive with fierce optimism. You have the courage to walk a path of transformation. You will not be tamed by convention. You are not afraid to be different, to take risks for what you love, and most of all, to keep hope in your heart. You are one of the wild ones. This deck is for you.

Wild Kuan Yin Oracle will be your light in those moments when the darkness seems too much. When the loving peace of Spirit seems too far away from the troubles of the physical world, this oracle deck channels the energy of the Divine Mother to bring you comfort. She will remind you of your fire, your boldness, your unique beauty, your passion, your courage. She will guide you through even the darkest trials into the blessing of new life. She will open your heart and mind to untold possibilities and assist you to live your highest destiny with fearlessness and joy.

44 cards and 272-page guidebook set, packaged in a hard-cover box.

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