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Mallock & Gueritot
Rok vydání:2010
Vydavatelství:Editions Blanche
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Manželství, vztahy, sexualita
Podobné knihy:Pozice pro každý den - 365 hravých návodů na krásný sex
Hry lásky
Mystický slabikář 1. a 2. díl
Fit pro sex - sex posiluje imunitu
KÁMASÚTRA vášnivý muž a smyslná žena

Cena 2 990,00 Kč s 10% DPH

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This item has features and themes that are for adults only. Ages 18 and up. Recommended for mature collectors.

To succeed the highly impressive MOON what could be better than a new volume entitled BOOBS? It’s another anthology, with breasts in all their glory: large, small, perky, with nipples in all shapes and varieties. The collection includes all kinds of styles, from pop art to Delacroix, à la Raphael, Indian, etc. A glimpse of paradise to amaze, seduce and delight the viewer.

But this is not just a collection of "big" breasts. It is a look at only the most beautiful breasts, perfectly formed, perfectly posed, at the moment of their greatest appeal and seductiveness. And the models here also also not run-of-the-mill: they are gorgeous, the kind of natural beauty that does not make one think of an adult film, but rather of true beauty captured at the moment of her physical perfection.

Mallock, aka J-D BRUET-FERREOL, is a digital painter. He was one of the very first photographers chosen by the Grand Oakaus for its Autumn Exhibition back in 1980. At the national level, he was also awarded the Jury Special Prize for a study on solitude. These favorable omens led him to great achievements as a freelance creative director, editor, designer and creator of contemporary visual art, as prolific in the advertising world as in the arts. In 2000, he was chosen to exhibit at the Grand Palais Critics Figuration Salon.

Guéritot spent his childhood years in Ivory Coast, settling in Paris. It was during his time in Africa that he discovered tropical forests, wildlife and various ethnic groups. He left Orsay University with a degree in animal biology, subsequently to embark on professional training in advertising photography at the Gobelins.

Text in English, French and German.

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