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The Science of Orgasm (dovoz z USA)

The Science of Orgasm (dovoz z USA)
Barry R. Komisaruk, Carlos Beyer-Flores, Beverly Whipple
Rok vydání:2006
Vydavatelství:The Johns Hopkins University Press; 1 edition (October 31, 2006)
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Cizojazyčné knihy, slovníky
Manželství, vztahy, sexualita
Podobné knihy:Útěk z továrny na smrt
The Big Penis Book 3D (kniha a 3D brýle)
The Low Down on Going Down (dovoz z USA)
Fantasy - žena jako věčná inspirace
Orgasms (dovoz z USA)

Sleva 7% - z ceny 479,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 445,00 Kč s 10% DPH

While some of the information is fairly common knowledge (the connection between antidepressants and reduced orgasmic response, for example), other topics, such as "phantom" orgasms in men and women with spinal cord injuries, orgasmic "auras" experienced by some epileptics and sexual response in transgendered individuals, provide fascinating glimpses into the complex and subtle interaction of brain and body in this most intimate and euphoric of states.
Later chapters go into greater detail, describing the connection between the brain and genitals, and how various factors, from aging and physical condition to drugs, disorders and diseases, affect sexual response and orgasm.
The three coauthors—neuroscientist Komisaruk, endocrinologist Beyers-Flores and sexuality researcher Whipple (coauthor of The G-Spot and Other Discoveries About Human Sexuality)—begin with a short overview of the role of hormones and the nervous system, as well as how the body changes during orgasm.
Behind its tongue-in-cheek "plain brown wrapper" cover, this unique book offers a thorough compilation of what modern science, from biomechanics to neurochemistry, knows about the secrets of orgasm.

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