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Inside the Playboy Mansion (ve slevě jediný výtisk !)

Inside the Playboy Mansion  (ve slevě jediný výtisk !)

The Playboy Book
Rok vydání:2007
Vydavatelství:Playboy Enterprises
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Cizojazyčné knihy, slovníky
Manželství, vztahy, sexualita
Podobné knihy:Útěk z továrny na smrt
The Big Penis Book 3D (kniha a 3D brýle)
The Low Down on Going Down (dovoz z USA)
The Playboy Book (ve slevě jediný výtisk !)
Fantasy - žena jako věčná inspirace
Orgasms (dovoz z USA)

Sleva 30% - z ceny 1 995,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 1 397,00 Kč s 10% DPH

Luxusní kniha

By revisiting the fantastical events hosted there over the years, it becomes evident that the Playboy Mansion boasts one of the most enviable guest sign-in books in contemporary times. Of course, the history of life inside the mansions offers a rarely-seen side of the history of the magazine as well. Full nudity.
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner has led a Caesar-like existence unlike anyone else in the 20th century, and for the first time, the doors to that world are opened to the public in this titillating visual tour of the Chicago and Los Angeles pleasure palaces.
As legendary as the Playboy Playmates themselves are the mansions where hundreds of them partied, worked, and lived.
"The truth about what went on up there is so much more incredible than anything you could make up."
If You Dont Swing, Dont Ring

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