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The Gospel of Aradia (34 karet a knížka)

The Gospel of Aradia (34 karet a knížka)

Stacey Demarco, Jimmy Manton (illustr.)
Rok vydání:2015
Vydavatelství:Blue Angel
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Psychologie, psychoterapie, psychiatrie
KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Podobné knihy:Gods and Titans Oracle (kniha a 36 karet)

Sleva 7% - z ceny 1 690,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 1 572,00 Kč s 10% DPH

Další obrázky

The story of Aradia is steeped in mystery. Was she a goddess or a flesh-and-blood woman? To some she was the first witch, to others the leader of a resistance movement, and still to more, a wise teacher with female disciples. A spiritual mentor and a powerful role model for women to aspire to, Aradia travelled throughout medieval Italy and Europe teaching the ways of the Divine Feminine. Through this exquisitely illustrated deck, you will walk hand in hand, heart to heart with Aradia, and be guided into the rich sacred world of her Gospel. It is a journey to rediscover, strengthen and empower the real you, as you connect with the inspiring stories that form her legacy. Aradia’s truth, compassion and ancient wisdom have the power to transform our greatest fears into love, and our most worrying obstacles into opportunities for growth and joy. Step into the world of stregoneria – the ancient Italian witchcraft tradition – and connect with those who have danced under the moonlight with flowers in their hair and risked everything to remain true to themselves. Let your wild, divine self out to play! "The Gospel of Aradia" is full of blessings, extraordinary magic and wisdom. Come, take the hand of Aradia and dance… 34 cards and guidebook set, packaged in a hardcover box.

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