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Gods and Titans Oracle (kniha a 36 karet)

Gods and Titans Oracle (kniha a 36 karet)
Stacey Demarco, Jimmy Manton (illustr.)
Rok vydání:2013
Vydavatelství:Blue Angel
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Magie, šamanismus, kabala
Podobné knihy:Vampýří tarot nekonečné noci (78 karet)
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Cena 1 599,00 Kč s 10% DPH

Come back to a time when Gods really were Gods.

There was a time when Gods and Goddesses, the masculine and feminine Divine, co-existed equally and were honoured side by side. Yet with the passing of time this sacred union was lost. It’s now time to restore the balance! Featuring tried and tested invocations and spells as well as a full explanation of each God’s attributes and influence, this deck invites you to come back to a time when Gods really were Gods!

The masculine divine in all its forms and glory has returned!

· Reconnect with the authentic powers of the masculine

· Utilize these ancient energies to solve modern problems

· Allow the Gods’ strength, action, compassion and protective love to flow through your life

The time has come to experience again what the real Masculine Divine is about!

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