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The Camelot Oracle (40 karet a mapa)

The Camelot Oracle (40 karet a mapa)
John Matthews, Will Worthington (illustr.)
Rok vydání:2012
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Náboženství a mytologie
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Sleva 10% - z ceny 1 590,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 1 431,00 Kč s 10% DPH

Další obrázky

The Camelot Oracle brings the Arthurian archetypes to life in a set of 40 cards by John Matthews and Will Worthington. 32 cards feature characters from the legends - Gawain, Arthur, Guinevere, and more - and 8 cards are Path cards, each linked to a place on the included map of Camelot. The deck is both an oracle and guide on the journey of life. Enter a mystical landscape peopled with archetypal characters and rich in myth and legend - the world of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. The universal appeal of the Arthurian tales lies in their primal quality. they deal with every aspect of human life, from the eternal struggle to overcome obstacles to the continuing search for fulfilment. Working with the oracle cards and the Map of The Lands Adventurous you will travel from Camelot with your champion on your quest. Your chosen path leads to a place of significance where your challenger waits to hear your questions. Consulting the guidebook will reveal the answers and the guidance you require. THE CAMELOT ORACLE explores inner realms and takes you on an unforgettable journey - the journey of life itself. Original concept by foremost Arthurian expert and teacher New insights into myth and the human experience Will Worthington art highly acclaimedArthurian world of universal appeal.

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