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The Big Book of Breasts 3D (kniha a 3D brýle)

The Big Book of Breasts 3D (kniha a 3D brýle)

Jazyk: tříjazyčná verze - anglicky, německy a francouzsky
Formát: 280 x 280
Dian Hanson
The 420 pages of this book contain the most beautiful and provocative black and white and color photos ever created of these iconic women, plus nine original interviews, including the first with Tempest Storm and Uschi Digard in over a decade, and the last with Candy Barr before her untimely death in 2005. In a world where silicone is now the norm, these spectacular real women stand as testament that nature knows best.
In The Book, Dian Hanson explores the origins of mammary madness through three decades of natural big-breasted nudes.
Say no to silicone: The greatest natural breasts of our times Some call it the American obsession, but men everywhere recognize the hypnotic allure of a large and shapely breast.
It doesn"t take a genius to guess that this will be the gift book of the year. As Playboy"s Hugh Hefner recently observed, "What would people most like to see in 3D? Probably a naked lady.” We hear you Hef, and we deliver.
The Brain Factory"s technique is so subtle it"s hard to even detect the red/blue tint in many of the black and white photos, but when you put on your glasses the curves leap from the page, not in flat layers as in old-style 3D, but as fully rounded body contours.
Unlike other 3D pictures you may have seen before, the photos in The Big Book of Breasts 3D do not look distorted when viewed without the glasses.
This 220-page special edition has a revised introduction, updated layout, and comes with a pair of red/blue anaglyph viewing glasses.
In this wonderful modern world of digital magic, 90 photos from the original book, plus 18 stunning new photos, have been transformed from boring old last-century 2D into cutting edge 21st century 3D by Jon Schnitzer and The Brain Factory, the geniuses whipping up 3D projects for filmmaker Tim Burton.
Not so, Luddites!
An impossible dream?
OK, imagine the best photos from the iconic first volume of the body parts series, The Big Book of Breasts, in a new 28 by 28 cm size, but popping off the page in state-of-the-art 3D.
It"ll knock both your eyes out!
The best of the biggest in three luscious dimensions

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