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Sacred Path Cards (44 karet a kniha)

Sacred Path Cards (44 karet a kniha)
Jamie Sams, Linda Childers
Rok vydání:1990
Vydavatelství:Harper San Francisco
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Léčení přírodními prostředky, herbáře
Psychologie, psychoterapie, psychiatrie
Životní styl, výživa, kuchařky
Podobné knihy:Poruchy pozornosti v dětství i dospělosti
Vyhrajte boj o štíhlé tělo
Mysl je mocný lékař vědecký důkaz, že se sami můžete uzdravit
Zeptejte se Deepaka na zdraví a životní styl
Pařížská dieta

Sleva 7% - z ceny 2 990,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 2 781,00 Kč s 10% DPH

The Discovery of Self Through Native Teachings The Sacred Path Cards is an oracle deck based on Native American spirituality. Each high-contrast card presents a painting on a tanned hide of varying hue, set upon a black background. Cards are titled and also have an explanatory keyword. This extraordinary tool for self-discovery draws on the strength and beauty of Native American spiritual tradition. Developed by Native American medicine teacher Jamie Sams, this unique system distills the essential wisdom of the sacred teachings of many tribal traditions and shows users the way to transform their lives. The 44 beautifully illustrated cards, each endowed with a particular meaning and message, may be drawn individually for a daily lesson or laid out in a series of spreads that open up different paths to inner knowledge. Used with the accompanying text, which explains the various forms and methods of interpretation and divination, the cards are a powerful tool for enhanced self-awareness and positive change.

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