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Tarot by Alexander Daniloff 2010 (22 karet)

Tarot by Alexander Daniloff 2010 (22 karet)
Alexander Daniloff
Rok vydání:2019
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Podobné knihy:Tarot by Alexander Daniloff 2012 (78 karet + Carte Blanche a První úvodní karta)
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Cena 2 493,00 Kč s 21% DPH

Další obrázky

The Daniloff Tarot is deck of original and evocative illustrations by Alexander Daniloff. It is a 22-card deck major arcana based on the Rider-Waite. Self-published in a limited edition by the artist.

Let yourself be fascinated by the symbolism and medieval emblematic, iconography of miniatures and frescoes.

The Tarot by Alexander Daniloff is a reason to immerse yourself in a medieval atmosphere, to crawl between the nobles and the miserable, to oscillate between the Moon and the Sun, between Life and Death.

Interpreting a state of mind, a sentimental message that contains each Arcana you will feel its magic. They gave you a common thread, a compass to connect remote past with today, to have a deck in the classic style, addressed and strengthened a saving irony to avoid the risk of rhetoric.

This is limited edition of author; 500 copies numbered and signed by artist;

Standard poker size 89 x 146 mm (3.5" x 5.75"), rounded corners.

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