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Journey into Egypt Tarot (78 karet)

Journey into Egypt Tarot (78 karet)
Julie Cuccia-Watts
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Náboženství a mytologie

Cena 4 390,00 Kč s 21% DPH

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The Journey into Egypt Tarot features 78 dynamic, highly realistic images from the talented artist, Julie Cuccia-Watts. It blends the Ancient Egyptian calendar, her astrological system, and tarot with skill, and is one of the few decks to showcase the diversity of the Ancient Egyptian population.

The Journey into Egypt Tarot is the culmination of a 26 year personal journey of tarot creation. This journey began in 1988 with the inception of the Ancestral Path Tarot (Path of the Ancestors Tarot). I noticed the natural structure of seasons in the aces and the 52 weeks of the calendar year built into the minor cards but didn t see the Cross Quarter Days or 13 Moon Cycles until the creation of Blue Moon.

MAAT Tarot came next and evolved the 52 weeks into the seven days between moon quarters and the relevance of the moon phase to the zodiac sign. Journey into Egypt arrived after two trips to Egypt and the unfolding of personal connections to Egypt and the realization of Real Sky Astrology. An astrology book is gestating at the moment to empower others to take a look through a keyhole of a real time dynamic universe that plays out much like the cards in a reading. In the meantime the boundaries between the living and the dead, humans and animals and 3 dimensions and 11 become thinner. I look up and see that life is opening more of its petals and I do not want to miss anything. I am called to do many many things that have been on hold since Ancestral Path tugged at my sleeve. So the astrology book will wait for its birth while, soap is made and wool is spun. Life here on the River is too beautiful to miss. ~Julie Cuccia-Watts New Moon in Pisces 4-18-15

Julie Cuccia-Watts is the creator of four multicultural tarot decks: The Ancestral Path Tarot (1996), the Blue Moon Tarot (1998),the Maat Tarot (2006) and the new Journey into Egypt Tarot ( 2013). Julie has painted well over 300 original oil paintings over the past 25 years specializing in portraits. However her passion has been bringing new life into tarot symbolism. Julie began painting with oils at the tender age of 8 and has been at it pretty much ever since. Julie s interests include all things paranormal and metaphysical which she blends with her interests in history, astrology, mythology and experimental archeology. Julie enjoys visiting ancient sacred sites has been to Egypt twice. She paints from dreams and visions.

Julie Cuccia-Watts the creator of three beloved multicultural tarot decks: The Ancestral Path Tarot (1996 US Games Systems Inc.), The Blue Moon Tarot (1998), The Maat Tarot (2006) has produced her fourth tarot deck. The new Journey into Egypt Tarot builds on the knowledge of MAAT Tarot and taps into the ideas behind the precession of the equinox and using real sky astrology. Discover the similarities between the ancient Egyptian calendar and modern astrology. This is tarot like you have never seen it before. After two trips to Egypt in 2007 and 2009 Julie shares what she learned and felt while staying in Egypt via her medium of choice the tarot. Utilizing myth, history, concepts of dream archeology and shamanic journey-work she creates a very special tarot tool.Take a Journey into Egypt using the exquisitely hand crafted work of a seasoned tarot artist. Read the real life stories behind the suits. Expect to be surprised by mysteries that have been hidden in plain sight for thousands of years.

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