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Gollum Creature Statue Glum z Pána Prstenů

Gollum Creature Statue Glum z Pána Prstenů
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie: Modely postav (sošky,figurky)
Podobné knihy:Frodo Baggins Statue z Pána Prstenů
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Gollum Bobble Head Glum z Pána Prstenů

Cena 6 480,00 Kč s 21% DPH

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Soška Gluma vytvořená podle předlohy figurální řady Pána Prstenů Series vycházející z filmové hry je vysoká cca 15 cm s detailním zpracováním.

Tortured and wrought wretched by the lure of the One Ring, Gollum is a withered, piteous creature.

Driven mad and twisted by his loss of the One Ring decades ago, he is compelled to haunt Middle-earth, searching everywhere for the only thing in the world he ever cared for, his "Precious".

Once lost to the most unlikely of creatures, Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit of the Shire.

The most iconic creature from The Lord Of The Rings movie trilogy, Gollum was also a technological breakthrough.

Sculpted by Workshop, superbly acted by Andy Serkis whose motions were captured and then masterfully rendered for the cinema by Weta Digital.

Sculpted by Daniel Cockersell and created by the same artists and craftspeople who worked on the trilogy, Gollum is the first in a range of miniature figures.

Dimensions: 5.9" x 5.5" x 4.3" (H x W x D) 15 cm x 14 cm x 11 cm Weight: 1.4 lbs (620 g)

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