Edvard Munch The Scream figma Action Figure Výkřik
Cena 3 473,00 Kč s 21% DPH
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Soška ze slavného obrazu Výkřik podle předlohy známého malíře Edvarda Muncha vycházející z figma edice The Table Museum series (což je řada figurin figma, která se inspiruje světově slavnými uměleckými díly) je vysoká cca 14 cm s detailním zpracováním.
The Table Museum is a series of figma figures based on famous works of art that almost anyone would recognize!
The seventh product to join the series opens up the art exhibits with Edvard Munch s classic artwork - The Scream.
This work of art based on the theme of angst was a masterpiece that still captures the attention of art fans to this day.
As the figure is based on a painting, the figure also comes with a special frame part to display behind him to fully recreate the original work!
The figure will seem to be jumping out from the frame for a lovely display for both art and figure fans to enjoy.
Enjoy one of the first ever figures based on a work of art!
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