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Easy Tarot (karty a kniha)

Easy Tarot (karty a kniha)
Josephine Ellershaw, Ciro Marchetti
Rok vydání:2007
Vydavatelství:Llewellyn Publications
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Dětská literatura, dětská psychologie
KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Záhady, tajemství, záhadologie
Podobné knihy:Čtení z dětských rukou

Cena 1 649,00 Kč s 21% DPH

There is also a "cheat sheet" with all the meanings of the cards in a very brief form.
How to choose the right Tarot spread for any question
Whether you should use a "significator" card
How to shuffle and cut the cards
How to formulate questions to ask the Tarot
It also explains:
The next section of the book reveals the secrets of each card of the Tarot. It describes the symbolism and the meanings of the cards in ways that are clear and easy to grasp. You will want to keep this book handy for reference until you have an in-depth understanding of the symbols and interpretation of each of the Tarot "keys."
What about free will?
If the Tarot reveals our future, are our lives ruled by fate?
How soon will I be able to do readings?
How does the Tarot work?
The first part of this book answers the basic questions every budding Tarot reader asks:
Included in this set is the Easy Tarot Handbook by Josephine Ellershaw. Rather than focusing on history or philosophy, it focuses on the practical aspects of Tarot reading, giving you 22 easy steps that provide everything you need to know to read the cards.
Even the best Tarot deck will look mysterious until you learn the meaning of the cards.
The Linchpin of Learning
But we think once you start working with The Gilded Tarot you will love it and want to use it for all your readings. It will inspire your interpretations and thrill anyone you read for.
The first is one of the most beautiful Tarot decks ever created, The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti. This deck has been described as the "perfect working deck." Its brilliant colors and fantastic art are consistent with traditional symbolism, so what you learn can be used with any standard Tarot deck.
Perhaps you thought you needed some sort of special psychic abilities or magical powers to understand their symbols. The truth, however, is that anyone willing to spend a little time with a Tarot deck and the right teacher can learn the Tarot. You can read the cards!
Are you ready to learn to read the Tarot?
Yes, You Can Read the Tarot!
Learn to Read the Cards Once and For All!

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