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Dawn Girl The 10th Anniversary Sixth Scale Statue

Dawn Girl The 10th Anniversary Sixth Scale Statue

Soška Dawn vytvořená podle literární předlohy the Cry for Dawn #1 comics magazine by Joseph Michael Linsner vycházející z tvorby Shigeru Yamazaki je vysoká cca 30 cm s detailním zpracováním.

Joseph Michael Linsner first introduced Dawn on the cover of Cry for Dawn #1. The comic, which he started when he was twenty, was a contemporary version of a horror comic. Its stories that often addressed fear in the sexual realm.

Dawn, a distinctly made-up, provocatively-dressed redheaded woman, acted as the comic s host, but Linsner always knew he would write stories about her.

Joseph Michael Linsner s Dawn 10th Anniversary Resin Statue comes fully painted and sculpted by Shigeru Yamazaki, on designs by Joseph Micheal Linsner.

It is 1/6th scale, and stands over 12 inches high. Produced by Fewture Designs in 1999 (Sirius Comics).

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