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Court of the Dead Book The Chronicle of the Underworld kniha

Court of the Dead Book The Chronicle of the Underworld kniha
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Posmrtný život, reinkarnace, karma

Cena 1 879,00 Kč s 21% DPH

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There is an old saying: "Death is your last adventure". Little do they know what a grand, long adventure it is.

But you are about to find out. You have left behind your mortal shell and landed on the shores of the Underworld, the Land of the Dead. This dark, sprawling realm is rife with unimaginable creatures, feral beauties and dazzling temptations, the likes of which you have never seen. Luckily, you have a guidebook.

In the Chronicle, you will learn about Death, who built and rules the Underworld, and his Court of the Dead, who help him govern it. You will discover how the universe was actually forged - and the terrible truth obscured by Heaven and Hell. But the Chronicle is far from a serious history lesson. The delightfully witty court jester, Malavestros, has marked up the Chronicle with color commentary, jokes and added drama. As the jester might say: "You are dead, so you better get used to it." Welcome to the Underworld.

Format: 28 x 24 x 2 cm

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