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Cheetah Woman Bust

Cheetah Woman Bust
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Cena 2 990,00 Kč s 21% DPH

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Bysta Cheetah vytvořená podle předlohy figurální řady the DC bust collection vycházející z grafického návrhu DC Comics je vysoká cca 15 cm s detailním zpracováním.

We rolled out the next in their line of Women of DC busts with the release of the Cheetah bust.

Cheetah is the third release in series two of the Women of DC bust line. Series one featured DC girls based on the art of Adam Hughes, while this current series features likenesses based on the art of Terry Dodson.

The previous two releases in series two were Wonder Woman and Starfire.

From the tip of her tail to the bottom of her base, Cheetah stands just shy of six inches tall.

The character s design is reminiscent of Cheetah s look in the old classic Super Friends cartoons. The base is a standard cylindrical one, but it features some neat claw mark details on it.

Cheetah is limited to 3500 pieces.

This is a great line for DC fans and collectors, as the pieces generally are very affordable and deliver a lot of detail for the buck. The series continues to grow month by month, and the next few releases on the horizon include Batwoman, Wonder Girl, Catwoman, and Huntress.

Hand-painted cold-cast porcelain bust featuring a modern interpretation of the Golden Age Cheetah (Priscilla Rich) on a marble-effect column base with etched Wonder Woman symbol and claw-marks.

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