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Alysha the Angel of Darkness Statue

Alysha the Angel of Darkness Statue

Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie: Modely postav (sošky,figurky)
Modely postav (akční figurky), sošky fosilií
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Cena 26 990,00 Kč s 21% DPH

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Soška Alysha vytvořená podle předlohy the line of mythological statues vycházející z tvorby Maxence Fleureta a Arahom Radjah je vysoká cca 45 cm s detailním zpracováním.

They continue their line of mythological statues with their most impressive piece yet, the Angel of Darkness!

This incredible resin statue shows that the Angel is as deadly as she is alluring, her finely toned body matched to wings that will cover the world in darkness!

Designed and sculpted by Maxence Fleuret, the Angel of Darkness stands 18-inches tall in the 1:4 scale and boasts and impressive 42-inch wingspan!

The Angel of the night and darkness, the immortal ALYSHA is the supreme ruler of all evil spirits who were damned to spent eternity in the blackness and obscurity of the underworld.

Sculpted by Maxence Fleuret and painted by Arahom Radjah, The Angel of Darkness has a fantastic wing span of 40 inches and is a great addition to any mortal or immortal collection!

Age: 16+ Limited Edition: 200

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