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7 návyků šťastné rodiny (anglicky) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families

7 návyků šťastné rodiny (anglicky) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families

Doskladnění titulu trvá cca 20 dnů.
By weaving the voices and anecdotes of his wife and children with his own inspirational and informative stories, exercises, and parables, he has created a book with something for all parents interested in enhancing the strength and beauty of their own families.
Covey suggests writing a family mission statement, implementing special family times and "one-on-ones," holding regular family meetings, and making the commitment to move from "me" to "we" as techniques to improve family effectiveness. Covey is a brilliant storyteller.
(Habit 1: Be Proactive, Habit 4: Think Win-Win, Habit 6: Synergize) to apply to parenting and family-life issues.
Here, Covey reinterprets each of his now famous "habits"
He promptly answers with four words: "a beautiful family culture."

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