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I Love Female Orgasm

I Love Female Orgasm
Dorian Solot, Marshall Miller
Rok vydání:2007
Vydavatelství:Da Capo Press (March 21, 2007)
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Cizojazyčné knihy, slovníky
Manželství, vztahy, sexualita
Podobné knihy:Útěk z továrny na smrt
The Big Penis Book 3D (kniha a 3D brýle)
The Low Down on Going Down (dovoz z USA)
Fantasy - žena jako věčná inspirace
Orgasms (dovoz z USA)

Sleva 7% - z ceny 599,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 557,00 Kč s 10% DPH

I have since shared the books with my family, friends, and girlfriend, all of whom have loved it. Not only has it increased my sexual awareness by about a bazillion, it has also brought my sex life to a whole new level.
looked like my college textbooks.
footnotes, bookmarks, and had so many highlighted passages that it
it for me. I read the entire book over the weekend. I made so many
I told my girlfriend that I HAD to have the book, so she bought
websites and references on sexuality that I have ever seen in my
the first chapter of your book than I have from all of the books and
it, read all of the first chapter. I have to say, I learned more from
I sat down in a chair with my girlfriend and without even realizing
pages and decided that I definitely wanted to read some more into it.
because the title of the book made me laugh. I flipped through a few
it had to say (I thought the book was going to be a joke), but
I actually picked up this book not because I was interested in what
One comment:
Solot and Miller have spoken to thousands of men and women and surveyed thousands more about their experiences with female orgasm.
-An entire chapter for men on how to turn her on and get her off, plus tips for partners in every chapter
-The real deal on orgasms for lesbian, bisexual, and queer women
-Answers to your questions about vibrators, sex toys, piercings, and more
-The truth about female ejaculation (yes, it exists!)
-Tips on surfing waves of multiple orgasms (even if you usually have just one)
-Advice for better oral sex
-Detailed advice on how to have your first orgasm
-Directions on finding your way to the G-spot
The book is crammed with everything you want to know about the big O, including:
I Love Female Orgasm!
An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide

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