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The Book of Shadows Tarot (kniha a 78 karet)

The Book of Shadows Tarot (kniha a 78 karet)
Barbara Moore, Grzegorz Krysinski (Illustr), Simone Gabrielli (Illustr)
Rok vydání:2012
Vydavatelství:Deep Books
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Beletrie, matematika, různé
KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Podobné knihy:Vykládací karty (32 ks) Aufchlag karten
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MARIÁŠ pravidla, tipy a triky

Cena 1 299,00 Kč s 10% DPH

The suit of Air is the Divinitory and Sense of Reality aspect of the deck. The Ace (1) is titled Dreams, 2 - The Pendulum, 3 - Scrying, 4 - Omens, 5 - Palmistry, 6 - The Attendant, 7 - I Ching, 8 - Meditation, 9 - The Runes, and 10 is of course The Tarot. The Elemental is the Sylph surrounded by clouds and blank pages flitting through the Air. The Maiden a younger woman searching through a natural area; it appears to be night, and she is surrounded by golden birds. The Mother is a woman amongst the clouds where books fly around her freely. The Crone is an old woman gingerly holding the biggest book yet closed. The Minors depict scenes and situations where the Sylphs can be found interacting with otherwise realistic scenarios.
The suit of Fire is the Astrological component of the deck. Ace (1) is The Sun, 2 - Mercury, 3 - Venus, 4 - Mars, 5 - Jupiter, 6 - Saturn, 7 - Uranus, 8 - Neptune, 9 - Pluto, and 10 is The Stars. The Planets are depicted in the backgrounds with their mythological God/dess gracing the foregrounds. X - The Stars depicts the Sun Sign Zodiacs amongst a celestial background. The Elemental is a Salamander slithering amongst lit candles. The Maiden is a woman dressed in red, with red hair, holding a lit long-stemmed candle. The Mother is a woman dressed in red, with red hair, standing before an open flame. The Crone is an older woman in red, who holds an extinguished candle.
The Suits are: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. The Aces are labeled as "1", and the Courts are: Elemental, Maiden, Mother and Crone. Moore equates these with the Traditional Knave, Knight, Queen, and King. The Elemental has the Alchemical Symbol at the top, The Maiden has a Waxing Moon Symbol, The Mother a Full Moon Symbol, and the Crone a Waning Moon symbol.
XXI - The World - The World
XX - Judgement - Initiation
XIX - The Sun - Litha
XVIII - The Moon - Samhain
XVII - The Stars - Imbolc
XVI - The Tower - Omens
XV - The Devil - Lammas
XIV - Temperance - Ostara
XIII - Death - Yule
XII - The Hanged Man - The Circle
XI - Justice - Mabon
X - The Wheel - The Wheel of the Year
IX - The Hermit - The Path
VIII - Strength - Spellcasting
VII - The Chariot - Transformation
VI - The Lovers - Beltane
V - The Hierophant - The Book of Shadows
IV - The Emperor - The God
III - The Empress - The Goddess
II - The High Priestess - Wisdom
I - The Magician - The Elements
0 - The Fool - The Summerlands
In the LWB provided with As Above, Moore lists the Majors in the traditional format, giving the numerical value, traditional title, and her title:
The backs of the cards are also bordered in the deep blue-green, with a thin grey outline separating the main image from the border. The image background is of a starry sky. The foreground features the Triple Goddess symbol of Waning, Full and Waxing Moons. These Moons are done in a tarnished brass, with the Full Moon containing a Pentacle etched in a purple overlay. This symbol is taken from the card III - The Goddess. There are two sets of this symbol; top and bottom. The bottom symbol is reversed, so that the cards are completely reversible.
For anyone worried about the unity of the deck due to multiple artists, I do not find it to be a problem. While there are some artistic differences to be found within the deck, the deck is very cohesive and united as a whole.
This deck features the collaborated works of Simone Gabrielli, Grzegorz Kryinski, Franco Rivolli, and Pietro Scola di Mambro.
The cards are all painted! You will also not find the "faces of people" some find bothersome. The artistry is wonderful!
This first deck is a more mystical and spiritual deck, where the As Below deck is said to be more down to Earth.
This is the first deck to be released from the Dual Deck titled Book of Shadows - a full 78 card deck.

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